Stop! Walk! Talk!
At the beginning of each year, all Valley View students are taught to use the Stop! Walk! Talk! strategy when another student is making choices that aren't HERO choices.
Students are taught this strategy for several reasons:
- To teach students how to stand up to behavior that they feel is offensive or not wanted
- To empower students
- To promote self-advocacy and self-determination
- To decrease bullying and bullying related issues in school
- To promote a more self-reliant, responsible, and safe climate and atmosphere
- To remove barriers that interfere with positive peer interactions and academics
- To create a positive school climate
The Procedure that students are taught:
Look the other student directly in the eye. Firmly say the word "Stop!" while holding your hand in front of your body (within your own personal bubble). Only say it once!
If the other student continues his/her behavior, then you move to the next step.
Turn and walk away from the other student. Do not say anything and do not look back. Join another activity or play with a new group of friends. If you see a friend walking because someone else is being unkind, walk away with your friend.
If the other student still continues his/her behavior, then you move to the next step.
Find an adult to talk to about the problem. The adult will always thank you for sharing your concern, listen to your side of what occurred, ask if you remembered to use the Stop! Walk! Talk! process, and then will help to resolve the problem.